
The X - Factor

Friday 4 December 2015

Why Men always attract toward matured Women

Put in mind that i am not talking about a special case where a man loved a woman then discovered that she is older than him but i am talking about men who mostly get attracted to women when they discover that they are older than them.
So why do some men prefer older women? Here are some possible explanations:

  • 1) In need of a mother figure: Human beings use love to satisfy their most important unmet needs. If a man didn't get enough nurturing from his mother or if his mother was absent in a way or another then he might start getting attracted to older women. Because the subconscious mind believes that an older woman can provide that man with the love he was deprived of it will make him attracted to older women .

  • 2) Childhood & past experiences: Spoiled children, only children and the ones who were showered with excessive care might develop the need to be taken care of and this need might remain even when they become adults. In such a case those men might get attracted to older women because they want someone to take care of them the same way they got used to .

  • 3) Raising their self esteem: Older women usually have less choices and as a result they become more devoted to their men. This kind of devotion raises the self esteem of that man since the woman he is with idolizes him and showers him with attention.
  • 4) To feel superior: Some men seek older women in order to feel superior. After all managing to attract someone from a parallel world can provide a strong Ego boost to most people. I once met a guy in his late twenties and he was showing off about his ability to attract women in forties. This made him feel special or superior to his peers. This feeling becomes stronger if this woman had a high status and because many old woman have good careers their status is usually higher than the status of younger women.

  • 5) Sexual Fantasies: Men are turned on by sexual novelty and they usually get bored if they remained with the same partner throughout their life time. Men will always go after novel and new experiences if they had the chance. Being with an older woman is one of the sexual phases that many men will pass through and as a result they might find themselves only attracted to them.

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